Saturday, August 13, 2016

Farewell Yosemite

I can’t begin to describe how I feel leaving this place. It truly did become my home, although I was here only for a relatively short time. The people here became my people—no matter how different we all may be. Forever a Yosemite! (Yosemite pronounced with a similar ending to termite.)

My day of goodbyes began with a scramble up to Sierra Point to watch the sunrise with Shelby and Kelly. Sunrises are tricky in the valley, but we got to watch the sky get brighter and then finally the sky lit up over Nevada Fall. Gorgeous, just gorgeous. By the time we got back down and to Half Dome Village, I was essentially starving because it had been three hours since I woke up and I hadn’t eaten yet. Also, I’ve been in one of my hungry moods ever since I got back from my last backpacking trip. I think I’ve eaten multiple lunches and suppers each day, with numerous snacks in-between. Whatever.

Anyways, today also happened to be the Half Dome Village Staff Appreciation event with free ice cream and lemonade. I was all over the ice cream thing and helped myself to fudge tracks with hot fudge, hot caramel, marshmallows, and sprinkles when Shelby and I took our break. Shortly after, Connor and Kelly took their break and came back…and I got pied in the face while I was skimming. The people on the pool deck looked horrified and Connor explained it was my last day—and he cleaned it all up and finished skimming. ;) I thought it was really funny; whipped cream pies are way better than shaving cream pies and it didn’t hurt anyone. Also, I work at a pool…not hard to wash it off myself or the pool deck. So it was funny. You should be able to watch the video here:

I had to go over my exit paperwork with Sabas—essentially fill out a survey about my experience with Aramark and my department and then go over my performance evaluation with Sabas that goes in my file. Honestly, aside from Aramark never figuring out my direct deposit and occasionally charging me double for my rent (so $14 instead of $7), I didn’t have a lot of issues with them as a company. I know they still have some sticky situations that they have to try to work out while DNC and NPS go through some lawsuits. I still feel that the two pools should be managed by the same person—a person that has a background in aquatics. Sabas, along with the rest of the staff that I interact with, was sorry to see me go. He gave me a glowing report that I appreciated a great deal when I read it. When Phil, our maintenance guy, found out I was leaving today, he said they’d have to shut the pool down without me. (To which Shelby said yes as I said no.) ;)

When I finally clocked out for the last time, I had to say goodbye to so many people…RJ, Connor, Kelly, Andrew, Todd, Abby and Susan at the Grill, 2 of the 3 ladies in Tent #2, Peggy, and finally Shelby. I’m not a fan of goodbyes or hugs so the hour between 7:00 and 8:00 was pretty rough. :P I did, however, finally eat a basket of bbq pulled pork with bacon from the Grill. And then I boarded YARTS with all five hundred of my suitcases (two suitcases and my 55L backpack, along with my small backpack and pillow) and had to say another tough goodbye—this one to the park itself. Farewell Yosemite, it’s been an adventure!

Shelby, RJ, and I

Bethany’s Yosemite Favorites
Food—Ice cream of course! Rice bowls from the Loft and fresh cheeseburgers or French toast from the Lodge tie for second.
Store—Ansel Adams Gallery. Mountain Shop second.
Scramble—Sierra Point
Day Hike—Cloud’s Rest
Viewpoint—Vogelsang Peak

P.S. I arrived in Newton, KS via train 40.75 hours after I left Merced, CA on Thursday morning. Aunt Lois and Uncle Willis picked me up from the train station, we went and ate breakfast, and then returned to Lindsborg to take a nap before going into McPherson to meet my parents (who had just gotten in) at my Grandma Thelma’s room in the Cedars. I am considering this the official end to my summer, as I’ll be home (in Plainfield) only Tuesday/Wednesday before returning home (to Cedar Rapids) for school next Thursday.

Thank you all for your support, for reading my ramblings, and for your prayers along the way!

And now I’ll leave you with two scriptures as I wrap this blog up:

Psalm 121: 7-8
The Lord will protect you from all danger;
    he will keep you safe.
He will protect you as you come and go
    now and forever.

Psalm 139: 9-10
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
    if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
    your right hand will hold me fast.

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